Celebs Place is the news website with large photogallery. We have not own any photos or association with celebrities. We just share celebrities latest news and pictures around celebrities.
Celebrities photos that are posted on our website "Celebs Place" have taken from different sources (uploaded mainly by MessageBoard Visitors). These pictures are not under our Copyrights and belong to their particular owners. If you have any objection or question concerning the copyrights issue, please contact with us, email at info@celebs-place.com (Content owhers, Write to the site’s administrator and ask that unauthorized content to be removed)
Celebs News
Celebrity Photo Galleries
Popular actors
Popular girls
- Megan Fox
- Selena Gomez
- Adriana Lima
- Candice Swanepoel
- Emma Watson
- Jessica Alba
- Monica Bellucci
- Jennifer Lopez
- Eva Green
- Naomi Campbell
- Kate Beckinsale
- Scarlett Johansson
- Emily Ratajkowski
- Kate Upton
- Katy Perry
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Emilia Clarke
- Charlize Theron
- Margot Robbie
- Irina Sheik
- Jennifer Aniston
- Nina Agdal
- Miranda Kerr
- Salma Hayek
- Bella Thorne
Popular boys
- Evan Peters
- Alain Delon
- Jared Leto
- Bill Kaulitz
- Chris Hemsworth
- David Gandy
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Brad Pitt
- Luke Evans
- Zac Efron
- Johnny Depp
- Tom Hardy
- Chris Martin
- Eminem
- Sergey Lazarev
- Kit Harington
- Daniel Craig
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Enrique Iglesias
- Chris Evans
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Edgar Ramirez
- Jake Gyllenhaal
- Jensen Ackles
- Chad White