Were We Misinformed about Gwyneth Paltrow's Diet?
Let us speak about Gwyneth Paltrow‘s diet? There were rumours about the star’s gluten-free meals and that she does not give sweets to her children. Are these facts true?
Speaking with Yahoo Beauty, the actress discussed the perception of audience of her healthy eating habits. The public is misinformed about Paltrow’s regimen. The star assures that she doesn’t have any rules. Besides healthy and organic snacks for her children, there are Oreos in the menu.
The celebrity made it a goal to have healthy choices. This started 20 years ago after her dad was diagnosed with cancer. She tries to stay away from toned with chemicals food, but she has never said she did not like it. French fries, martinis, cheese and other foods are among her favourites.
The star’s interview came straight after the release of goop’s annual detox plan. It is a highly awaited every-year cleanse that supports the daily intake of fruit, vegetables and grain.