Sophie Turner (actress) photos

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Sophie Turner (actress) photo gallery

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Last update date: 11 March 2023.

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Sophie Turner (actress)

Sophie Turner (actress) news

Sophie Turner emphasized the perfect figure with tight leggings
The 24-year-old star's pregnancy became known earlier this year when the couple's friends let the media out about the long-awaited addition to the family.
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas are already trying to have a second child
Sophie Turner did not have time to give birth to her first child as she planned a new pregnancy
Sophie Turner showed her "pregnant" photo for the first time
Sophie Turner recently gave birth to a child, but the pregnancy was in secret
Pregnant Sophie Turner is resting with her husband at the resort
The star of the Game of Thrones, 24-year-old Sophie Turner, and her husband, 30-year-old singer Joe Jonas, are set to become parents for the first time.