Monica Bellucci flashed a lush bust on a glossy cover

Famous Italian actress and model Monica Bellucci appeared on the cover of French gloss.

For the quarantine period, Monica Bellucci decided to take a break from social networks. Some fans have already begun to worry about what happened to the famous actress. However, the other day a movie star shared rich content. The woman posted on her page a photograph that became the cover of the French gloss Madame Figaro.

So, in the picture, the 55-year-old actress is posed in a stylish metallic-colored jacket, under which a transparent body is worn through the underwear of the beauty, her chest is visible.


❤️Wishing you all to be safe and hoping for healthy days for all the world the soonest ! New cover Story @madamefigarofr @richardgianorio by @vanmalder Hair @johnnollet Mua @letiziacarnevale Styled by @farouk_chekoufi Silver Jacket @azzedinealaiaofficial Body @dolcegabbana Image Agent @karinmodels_official Post production and assistant photographer @k_wiessner #monicabellucci#wishing#you#safe#cover#story#madamefigaro#paris#photooftheday#patricevanmalder#моникабелуччи#azzedinealaia#body#dolcegabbana

Публикация от Monica Bellucci (@monicabellucciofficiel)
