New Art Project of Shia LaBeouf: Meet Him in Your Car!

Shia LaBeouf always amazes us with his creativeness and performance art. You must know that the star has watched all of his films back-to-back during 3 days. And, sure, you must remember his motivational speech which was made in front of a green screen. Shia always amuses us despite what he is doing: wearing a paper bag or jumping rope in Meditation for Narcissists. He is a real man of art.

Rönkkö & Turner, Vice and LaBeouf are hitchhiking around America in the name of art. You will get a chance to meet the star with his gang during the next 30 days.

The Boudler Museum of Contemporary Art is commissioning the project as part of MediaLive 2016 and The Finnish Institute (London). Not counting Vice, Frame Contemporary Art Finland is also backing up the work.
