Charlize Theron speaks about the First Sex Scene she remembers

Charlize Theron in a W magazine's film issue! Acting in Mad Max: Fury Road helped her to gain a spot in the magazine’s "Best Performances" portfolio.

Besides posing, the star got her fans talking with the help of a revealing photo set. The star is sitting in an unmade bed. Charlize has nothing but a Dior Fine Jewelry ring on!

Besides the breath-catching picture, Theron shared with the editor her first recollection of a sex scene on TV.

The scene is still in her head. The actress was near 7 years old at that moment. It was on TV and Charlize entered the room while she was supposed to be sleeping. The actress saw the bed-scene from Body Heat. The woman had her hand under a white sheet and rubbed that area. Charlize recollects that the woman was not very subtle about it.

Young Charlize knew about boys’ and girls’ private parts and realized where the woman’s hand was. It was like “WHAT?!” to her.
