Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer, Owner of U.S. Medal of Honor will get married
Bristol Palin has officially left the market.
The eldest daughter of Sarah Palin, who is 24, has accepted a proposal from 26-year-old Dakota Meyer. Meyer is a former American Marine and the only third living owner of the American Medal of Honour since Vietnam. The couple confirmed these facts with the help of social media.
Meyer wrote on Instagram that he is the luckiest guy in the world, because he will spend eternity with his love.
As to Bristol, she uploaded an image of the couple kissing each other. The engagement ring is clearly seen on her left hand.
The star captioned the image too. Bristol wrote that she is really the luckiest girl in the world and cannot wait to marry Meyer.
According to the reports, it is the first marriage of both; nevertheless Bristol is remembered for engagement with Alaskan Levi Johnston. The last one is father of the six-year-old child, Tripp.
The former VP nominee proves relationship of her daughter with Meyer. She has uploaded a picture of herself standing near Meyer in January. Meyer’s arms are embracing both Palin women. Meyer shared the same picture on Instagram.
On Meyer’s website you can see that President Barack Obama gave him the Medal of Honour four years ago. Meyer saved fellow members of his training team at the time of a long firefight in Afghanistan six years ago.